Контакты |
владелец питомника:
Кузнецова Галина
e-mail: gkouznetsova@yandex.ru
тел.: +7-903-287-01-31
Россия, г. Москва - Мытищи |
Статистика |
Онлайн всего: 1 Гостей: 1 Пользователей: 0 |
Наши достижения
02.08.2020 NDS, Izhevsk, “Udmurtia-2020”
Judge: Galioskarova L.
Dartan’s Company Nexus - Ex1, CW, jCAC, jBOB junior, BOB, BIG-2, own. Izotova O.
02.08.2020 NDS, Izhevsk, "Stars of Izhevsk-2020"
Judge : Trifonova I.
Dartan’s Company Nexus - Ex1, CW, jCAC, jBOB junior, BOB, BIG-2, own. Izotova O.
02.08.2020 NDS, Moscow,
Judge: Krakovskaya L.
Dartan’s Company Nord -JCAC, jBOB, own Pronin L.
01.08.2020 NDS, Kolomna, “Polar Star”
Judge: Vyguzov I.
Dartan’s Company Northern Lights - jCAC, jBOB, BOB, own. Rumyantseva E., handler Rozhkova E.
01.08.2020 NDS, Kolomna, “Premia Oskar-2020”
Judge: ОIlocanos Juliya
Dartan’s Company Northern Lights - jCAC, jBOB, BOB, own. Rumyantseva E., handler Rozhkova E.
02.02.2020 NDS Moscow
Judge G.Korobkova
Jacott Sunrise the Second-CAC, BOB, new ChRus, breeder Janet Wonnacott, own. G.Kuznetsova
Dartan’s Company Amigo Mio (male, veteran)-2xvCAC, 2xvChRKF, 2xvBOB, new VetChRus, own P.Bochkina
26.01.2020 NDS Tula
Judge O.Vasil`ev
Dartan`s Company NortenLight - very promising, СW , Best Baby
25.01.2020 IDS Sabaneev Memorial , Moscow, Russia
Judge Helge KVIVESEN
Dartan’s Company Nexus(male, baby)-cw,own. O.Izotova,
Dartan’s Company Naiad (female, baby)-cw, Best Baby, own Cole Chiders
Dartan’s Company Mask of Zorro (male, junior)-JChRKF, JCAC, JBOB, own. P.Bochkina
Jacott Sunrise the Second-ChRKF, CAC, CACIB, BOB, breeder Janet Wonnacott, own. G.Kuznetsova
Dartan’s Company Amigo Mio (male, veteran)-vCAC, vChRKF, vBOB, own P.Bochkina
11-12.01.2020. 90th and 91th IDS Porto (Portugal)
Latin Winner, Porto Winner
Judges: Ana Mesto (Spain), Carlos Salas (Spain)
Judge BIG Helen Tonkson (Estonia)
Dartan's Company High Season- 2x1st Exc, 2xCAC, 2xCACIB, 2xBOB - Crufts 2021 Qualified, Latin Winner 2020 (open class) - new Champion of Portugal,Reserve BIG - Porto Winner, own I.Duvanova & G.Kuznetsova.
Dartan's Company Enigma - 2x1st Exc,2x CAC, 2xCACIB, 2xBOS - Crufts 2021 Qualified, Latin Winner 2020 (open class) - new Champion of Portugal, Porto Winner, own G.Kuznetsova.
6-7-8.03.2020 IDS Lithuania
Judge: Elzbieta Chwalibog and Philomena Leonard
Jacott Sunrise the Second - CAC, BOB/CAC, BOS/CAC, BOS! New, Champion of Lithuania own. Kuznetsova G., handler Korchagina D.
Dartan’s Company Icon is Style - CAC, BOS/CAC, BOB/CAC, BOB! New Champion of Lithuania, own. Izotova O., handler Korchagina D.